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Hello Home Lab

Testing, Testing.. But Why!

I’ve managed to stay away from ‘after-work’ programming since my laptop drive died more then a decade ago.. with all my photos, hobbies, tinker ideas… I think the silver lining was that I spent far more time hiking instead!

I bought a Prusa MK3S+ some 10 months ago, which, as one pedantic observer might note, is still not a ‘after-work’ programming hobby. How little did I know…

3D Printing is a gateway drug. First you get a printer… then you realize, SD cards? thats so last decade.. oh, Octoprint.. interesting. Ah, and Raspberry pies are so low effort, I should use them more! Hmm, but.. “wow, these prints take all day!? and wow, its so easy to mess up and end up with a blob of death”.. Oh, just need a camera and Spaghetti detector.. hmm but image recognition is too much for a poor pi, need to offload..”

Then stumble on pihole.. and homeassistant.. and esp32.. and esphome.. and nrf51.. and finally..


Gateway drug indeed.

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